Hypnotic, directed by Robert Rodriguez and starring Ben Affleck, is finally hitting US theaters after facing distribution challenges. The film follows Detective Danny Rourke as he unravels a series of mind-bending crimes involving his missing daughter and a clandestine government program. It’s a cinematic experience with highs and lows that could divide the audience. The solid first act sets the stage for an engaging mystery, capturing viewers’ attention and building anticipation for answers. However, as the story progresses, it becomes convoluted, relying heavily on exposition scenes that detract from its impact. The plot takes bold and ambitious twists, occasionally venturing into the realm of the absurd. Nonetheless, the main reveal is intriguing and reframes previous events in a new light. Despite its flaws, Hypnotic remains an entertaining watch, thanks to its brisk pace and 93-minute runtime. Affleck delivers a captivating performance, reminiscent of his earlier work, and shares strong chemistry with Braga. Fichtner’s portrayal of the villain adds depth and menace to the film. It serves as a testament to Rodriguez’s skill in crafting action sequences. While the execution and storytelling could have been better, lacking the expected energy and style, the fact that a film of this scale secured a theatrical release is commendable. If the premise intrigues you, it’s worth considering checking out. Visit my flixer for more!
| May 11, 2023 (Australia)
Director: Robert RodriguezWriter: Robert Rodriguez, Max BorensteinStars: Ben Affleck, Alice Braga, JD Pardo
Summary: A detective investigates a mystery involving his missing daughter and a secret government program.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English