In “Cobweb,” directed by Samuel Bodin, the unsettling world of young Peter unfolds as he hears a mysterious voice trapped in his bedroom wall. Initially frightening, the voice becomes a strange source of comfort, but as events unfold, it becomes evident that something sinister lies beneath. While Philip Lozano’s cinematography creates an eerie ambiance, the film fails to deliver on its horror promises. Jump scares lack impact, and the plot twists feel predictable. Various plotlines, including a missing trick-or-treater and bullying, are introduced but never fully explored or resolved. Despite commendable performances, particularly by Woody Norman as Peter, “Cobweb” struggles to captivate audiences with its lackluster storytelling, leaving much to be desired. Visit myflixer for more!
| July 21, 2023 (United States)
Director: Samuel BodinWriter: Chris Thomas DevlinStars: Lizzy Caplan, Antony Starr, Cleopatra Coleman
Summary: Horror strikes when an eight-year-old boy named Peter tries to investigate the mysterious knocking noises that are coming from inside the walls of his house and a dark secret that his sinist... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English