Insidious: The Red Door, the final installment of the Insidious franchise, picks up after the events of Insidious: Chapter 2 and brings the Lambert family’s story to a close. Josh and Dalton Lambert find themselves confronted by their past and the haunting memories that were erased from their minds. While the film offers a decent viewing experience with a few well-timed scares, its execution falls short, leaving much untapped potential in its characters. Directed by Patrick Wilson, the movie suffers from a lackluster script that limits its impact. Although it manages to create an eerie atmosphere through sound design, it fails to bring any fresh ideas to the genre. Simpkins and Wilson deliver solid performances but are hindered by the shallow development of their characters. While Insidious: The Red Door provides an acceptable ending for the franchise, it fails to rise above mediocrity. Visit myflixer movies for more!
Insidious: The Red Door
| July 7, 2023 (United States)
Director: Patrick WilsonWriter: Leigh Whannell, Scott TeemsStars: Ty Simpkins, Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne
Summary: The Lamberts must go deeper into The Further than ever before to put their demons to rest once and for all.
Countries: Canada, United StatesLanguages: English