Josh Duhamel’s directorial effort, “Buddy Games: Spring Awakening,” falls flat as a sequel to the original film. The story follows a group of six unlikable friends who reluctantly reunite after a prolonged separation. Their objective is to scatter the ashes of their deceased comrade at the beach resort where they initially conceived the “Buddy Games.” Unfortunately, their plans are thwarted when they discover that spring breakers have taken over the town, hosting their own version of the games. The group is forced to compete against much younger opponents.
Disappointingly, the film swiftly abandons this premise and introduces a subpar plot. Two of the friends find themselves ensnared by a peculiar cult led by a deranged individual intent on transforming alpha males. Meanwhile, the other two embark on a quest to locate the lost love of their departed comrade. Throughout the movie, tasteless and unfunny gross-out gags are employed, including the consumption of a skunk and an ill-conceived reference to Kurosawa.
“Buddy Games: Spring Awakening” fails to deliver on every level. The characters are unappealing, the humor lacks punch, and the storytelling lacks coherence. Duhamel’s direction and the performances by the cast are lackluster, further adding to the movie’s shortcomings. In its final moments, the film attempts to evoke a sense of sincerity, but only succeeds in generating incredulous laughter. Ultimately, it is a pitiful production devoid of humor or any redeeming qualities. If someone claims to find this film remotely amusing, it is advisable to distance yourself from their taste in comedy. Visit myflixer movie for more!