Jaime Reyes, portrayed by Xolo MaridueƱa, takes the spotlight as “Blue Beetle” debuts, directed by Angel Manuel Soto. The film follows Jaime, a recent graduate returning home to find his life taking an otherworldly turn. When an ancient alien relic, the Scarab, merges with him, Jaime gains an incredible suit and unpredictable powers, becoming the superhero Blue Beetle. The cast features Adriana Barraza and Susan Sarandon, while the creative team, led by Soto, collaborates with experts such as DP Pawel Pogorzelski and production designer John Billington. “Blue Beetle” graces international screens in August 2023. Visit myflixer for more!
Blue Beetle
| August 18, 2023 (United States)
Director: Angel Manuel SotoWriter: Gareth Dunnet-AlcocerStars: Xolo MaridueƱa, Bruna Marquezine, Becky G
Summary: An alien scarab chooses college graduate Jaime Reyes to be its symbiotic host, bestowing the teenager with a suit of armor that's capable of extraordinary and unpredictable powers, forever c... Read all
Countries: Mexico, United StatesLanguages: English