“In ‘I Am Groot’ Season 2, the MCU delivers another set of heartwarming adventures through five animated shorts featuring Baby Groot. These concise four-minute episodes explore Groot’s childlike wonder, nature encounters, snowy escapades, culinary quests, and knack for amazing others. While the formula may seem repetitive, Baby Groot’s undeniable charm keeps it fresh. Vin Diesel’s dedication to voicing Groot is commendable, and the supporting cast delivers as well. The animation is vibrant and detailed, immersing viewers in Groot’s world. ‘I Am Groot’ Season 2 offers simple yet whimsical adventures that continue to enchant audiences. Visit myflixer for more!
I Am Groot
| August 10, 2022 (United States)
Stars: Vin Diesel, Fred Tatasciore, Bradley Cooper
Summary: A series of shorts featuring the seedling Groot along with several new and unusual characters.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English