In the cinematic universe of DC, “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom” resurfaces with Jason Momoa reclaiming the role of the iconic Aquaman. Momoa’s charismatic performance remains a driving force, portraying Aquaman as a unique blend of toughness and self-aware humor. The sequel pits Aquaman against the vengeance-seeking Black Manta, who, armed with the ominous Black Trident, poses a significant threat to both Aquaman and the planet. Momoa’s chemistry with co-star Patrick Wilson, reprising his role as Orm Marius, enhances the film’s narrative, exploring the complex dynamics between the half-brothers. Visit my flixer for more!
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
| December 22, 2023 (United States)
Director: James WanWriter: David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, James Wan, Jason MomoaStars: Jason Momoa, Patrick Wilson, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
Summary: Black Manta seeks revenge on Aquaman for his father's death. Wielding the Black Trident's power, he becomes a formidable foe. To defend Atlantis, Aquaman forges an alliance with his imprison... Read all
Countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, IcelandLanguages: English